Monday, February 23, 2009

King Fahd Causeway..

The King Fahd Causeway is a bridge connecting Khobar, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. A construction agreement signed on 1981 led to construction beginning the same year. The construction continued until 1986. The causeway officially opened for use in November 1982. The project, completely financed by Saudi Arabia, cost a total of US$3 billion and was contracted out to the Ballast Nedam Group based in the Netherlands... (from WIKIPEDIA)

Causeway yg nyambungkan Bahrain and Saudi. Yg kita org pergi ni, lebih kurang the mid-point of the causeway. Ada tower. Inside it ada restaurant. So, kalo sesaper nak skodeng ke Bahrain, this is a must place to see and to be. Without this causeway, ramai la Pak2 Arab Saudi makan ati tak leh nak yamseng kat Exhibition Road...ha..ha..ha..Sib baik deme tak gheti baca apa akak tulih, kalau idak...

Inside the tower , at the restaurant level....deme bagi free coffee. So, boleh lepak2 sipping hot coffee and enjoying a beautiful panorama at the same time. Kita org lepak jap lepaih gelak sakan tingat kat Pakcik Arab yg ghuper2nye fasih cakap Indonesia. Nyaris2 akak tak laser, ngumpat Pak Eid tuh..namanyer Pak Eid. Berbini dua..satu di Saudi lahhh, satu lagi di Bahrain lahhh..tercungap2 naik tangga yg berbelas2 tingkat, ngejor anak2nyer...bayang kan ler ...power org tua tuh..patut boleh pasang dua..wakakakaka..

terhibur nengok gelagat deme ni..mencari angle seswai..jgn Laila terjatuh ke bawah udah ler Amin...mana nak cari ganti?..waaaaaaaaaaaa..


  1. Hehehe... can I plagiarise this entry? Penat orang nunggu saya apdate blog, Kak.

  2. Mem,
    Amek je dek..akak tak kisah. Haa... haa...berminat sungguh mereka2 itew pada mu Mem..
