Sunday, February 22, 2009


I was so excited last week. Nak taw, why? At last, before I go off, sempat gak spent time with my beloved adiks from seberang sana. Mereka sanggup meredah lautan and gurun pasir berdengong untuk bersama akak, besorrrr hati akak.....really cherished every minute with them. Rasa time fly very very fast..

Dinner at Al-Bukhari..nasi mendi...sedap kan Min.

These two special people are very close to our heart..tho my sis was not feeling well, she managed to fight and cope..kesian kat dia...opps..lupa..tho my roommate oso, sakit gigi he tumpang happy sekaki, dapat gelak cam org tak retak gigi pong!! Jgn mare bang...I know, ur teeth really kantoi this time..


  1. Thanks again Kak... Abang... for having us.

    Teringat-ingat nasik tu. Ayam tu lembut. Tulis komen ni pun dah terliur. Hahaha... sok nak suruh Amin beli ayam panggang on the way balik lah.

  2. Mem,
    Akak plan before fly off, nak pekena sekali lagi..mmg sedap kan..
