Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saper ni?

Sapa pulak ni.? Ni la Abang Jalil a.k.a Mister Jalil. Tauke kedai tempat akak beli sayor and buah kat Bahrain ni. Akak kan soka cari brg2 bila terjumpa kedai dia, gumbira sungguh hatiku. Murah2 sayoq and buah yg dia juai, kalau dia kata buah tu molek and elok, mmg molek dan eloklah buah2 itew...tak pernah kena tak elok lagi..So, akak pun terus jadi pelanggan tetap dia. Orgnye pun bayekkkkkkkk and the main thing is the service. Kalau servis thumb-up, akak mmg tak gi tempat lain dah ler tho kedai nye berlaga bontot..kecit beb....kalau tokeh nyombong2 tak kena gaya..hai..hai..bye..bye ler...tak koser den.

But gi kedai dia, cam adegan itik ngan ayam..akak jadi itik dia jadi ayam..hiks..akak tak taw bahasa Arab, dia tak taw bahasa omputih..sorang berkokok, sorang berkekek, main kenyit2 mata jer ler..jgn marah bang naaaa..selalu pun akak gi kedai Jalil nih dgn somi, masa nak amek gambor, mintak ijin dulu...besor hati si Jalil ni org nak amek gambor dia, siap adjust2 baju and seluor gitew..Pak2 Arab ni bukan boleh kira dek non, kekadang ada yg jenis pantang tok wan depa kita amek gambor deme..gerun la jugak..

Dek selalu sgt menyinggah kat kedai dia, dia selalu kira sap-sap swei or cincai2 jer.....kekadang dia campak cabai extra lam plastik la tu..kira orait la Pak Arab nih..

ni hah! bodyguard akak mmg standby sokmo kalo akak gi kedai si Jalil ni..Abe Jalil ni la yg introduced the Iran-pickles to me...udah ketagih..

Buah di syurga....

Abu ad-Darda' (A.S.) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said:

"If I could say that a fruit was sent down from Heaven (to earth), I would say it is figs, because the Heaven's fruit has no stones. Eat it, as it cures hemorrhoids and it is useful for treating gout'

Buah tiin or figs in English language sangat la banyak khasiat nye, dek non2 semua. Kalau body rasa lenguh2, tu maknanye badan korang banyak asid, korang telan je buah tiin ni coz this figs is alkaline dia kasi neutralise balik..InsyAllah sihat...boleh juga mencegah kanser..but kalau korang makan just 3-4 kali jer setahun, mana nak nampak hasil..kena merajinkan diri makan buah ni la yek...

kenapa Allah bersumpah demi buah tin dan Zaitun (Qur'an Surat At Tiin ( سورة التين )Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ Demi (buah) Tin dan (buah) Zaitun,
وَطُورِ سِينِينَ dan demi bukit Sinai,

nak taw khasiatnya..akak maleh nak elaborate..........nah! baca ni..very informative tau..

the fresh one..

mak dara tgh main picit2 ngan buah tiin...

akak ada gak terbaca from sumber omputih lak, katernye if you want to loose weight, include figs in your diet, besides other bijirin...tak pun, korang just swallow kurma and figs,and madu tiap pagi...sure kuruih....buah2 ni and honey are mentioned clearly in our holy book , al Quran, mmg no doubt, it is good...terai la...akak ni cakap jer, NATO! no action, talk only marrrr....hikss...3 hari direct tak makan nasik, jadi meroyan ,konon2 tekak melayu, tiap hari nak baham nasik...mana la nak selimmmmmmm macam Teh , Ti oiii.....

Friday, January 30, 2009


Makan lamb chop kat Al Abraj last nite..Alhamdulillah...sodapppppppppp dek non!...akak kan sokaaaaaaaa sesangat membaham makhluk mengembekkk berkaki empat nih..melt in my mouth gitew....very tender and juicy...punya la kick, siap order DUA kali....ganaihhh..makan sepinggan tak puaih!....appetite lak semangat jer sejak dua menjak ni...riso lak...nak fabulous ker, fabelon....need to fight lawan nafsu makan ni ..NOW!!!

the lamb chop set.....roti tuh!..lembuittttttttt ..meleleh ayor lior..

ghatah sampei tak hengat donia...kambing tu dibakor garing and rasa berlemak weh!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Bila sebut bab karipap ni, my mind mesti nak link it with an old chap who lives in my kampung, back home..ada ker patut pakcik ni panggil bini dia "keripap basi"...cehhhhh..tak bayekkkkk kan pakcik tu....tho bunyi cam lawakkkk, tapi kan akak pantang tau kalo org pelekeh bini depan org lain....kasik kung fu jer set cenggini..

Ni kat bawah ni keripap tak basi ..ada org tingin nak baham keripap ari ni..tadi bukak blog Iema, tgk ada citer buat kipap nih...

Ti Bertam, hang perasan dak, kipap aku ni ada yg besaq penumbuk hang, ada yg besaq penumbuk Naim..hi..hi..bukti aku godek seniri, tak pakai acuan beb!!..Renda pun hengot bengot...sah! hi..hi..dedulu tak pa, boleh escape..tepi jalan sementara nak sampai umah, ada makciks juai tepi jalan, tunjuk2 je, siap ni , dok sini..seniri mau makan, seniri mau buat la dei!!..meh Ti, pekena kipap Hoora..

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Arabs head gear..

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Oman received at his palace in Muscat on Wednesday His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

Korang nampak dak apa yg berbeza dlm gambor kat ataih....One is more macho than the other? Ha..ah mmg pong....but what I want to highlight here is the top of their heads.. the 'keffiyeh'...or omputih panggil 'head gear'...or pakcik kat Mesia panggil 'kopiah'..

On the left... ..tu Arab from United Arab Emirates (Dubai)....on the right lak from, dek non2 suma, kalau nampak style keffiyeh cengitu, dah tau dah where do they come from...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Adiks-adiks Bahrain..

Below are my adiks-adiks di Bahrain. Saya yang paling tua di antara mereka ini..Mereka sungguh pandai memposingkan diri tepat pada posisi yg sedap mata memandang..hi..hi..Pagi ini mereka melawat saya. Saya sangat gumbira dgn kehadiran mereka2 ini. Mereka sangat riang...teringat saya pada 'kanak2 ribena"...sungguh riang sekali mereka ini... sekiranya anda bersedih, jumpa lah mereka2 ini..pasti terhibur...

Yang kiri macam pelakon Hindustan is Eda, tersangat la manja, macam anak dara walaupun telah melahirkan 4 orang anak......yg tengah is Aifa...saya sangat suka mendengar Aifa ketawa...sangat puas rasanya ...ketawanya keluar habis dari sekali...yg hitam manis paling kanan is Maheran...suaranya seksi..serak2 basah macam Ella ratu rock Malaysia yg sampai ke hari ini tak mo kawen2.....Maheran ini pun ratu ketawa..

mak dara sipu2 malu....


A morning visit ....

This morning, few frens visited me. Aifa, Maheran and Eda. The ladies came with berbagai food. Penuh kitchen table akak dgn juadah deme bawak memasing....Memang baik hati betul deme nih! .....Hanya Allah yg membalas budi adik2 ku sekalian. After sending all their kids to the respective schools, deme datang jenguk akak....We ols, minum2 , makan2 and gelak2...Aifa mmg kuat gelak..comel sgt..we ols tak ngumpat taw.....tak bayekkkkkk....hua..hua...hua...

Aifa mana?...

Aifa ada...

A very good one by Che Det...



Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on January 27, 2009 5:40 PM

(On Jan 24, 2009, Hanan commented on Boycott - this is my reply)

Dear Hanan,

1. I agree entirely with you that building a great nation doesn't only take brains, but as you said it sure does help.

2. However brains alone without a heart (feelings) can produce a monster.

3. Israel is undoubtedly a great nation, becoming great through the brains and the numerous achievements you have listed. Yes I have used Israeli originated products like Microsoft Windows and Pentium chips (made in Malaysia) by Intel, an American company.

4. In fact I owe my life ultimately to Israel because there must be something invented by Israelis in the numerous instruments used in heart surgery. However most of the products used were invented and produced by Japanese.

5. I am amazed at the number of Nobel Laureates Israel has produced. I admit we have not produced even one.

6. But when the brain is without a heart it does not care for the misery resulting from the products of the brain.

7. The atom bombs which killed 100,000 men, women, children and babies are the product of Israeli (Jewish) brain. Most of the diabolical weapons now being used to kill millions of people are also the creation of Israelis on Zionist Jews. The depleted uranium and phosphorous shells being used in Gaza are also the product of Israeli brains.

8. The current financial crisis which is destroying the economies of the U.S. Britain and in fact all the countries of the world is due to manipulations of banks, financial institutions and the monetary system by Jewish supporters of Israel.

9. The negation of the freedom of speech when it comes to the alleged.

10. But worse of all is the seizure of Palestinian land to create the state of Israel. Not content with the area given to the Jews by the United Nations you have seized more Palestinian land, built settlements on many parts of Palestine, disallowed the use of roads built on Palestinian land to the Palestinians, erected your own check points at the borders of Palestine with Jordan and built your version of the Berlin Wall through Palestinian villages on land that is not part of Israel.

11. Before the creation of Israel, the Jews and Arabs in Palestine lived in peace. Historically Jews had always sought refuge in Muslim countries when the Europeans conducted pogroms against them. This only stopped after the U.S. offered asylum.

12. All the terrorism that we see today, whether state initiated or by irregulars, started after the U.S. backed Israel against Arab attempts to regain their land through conventional wars. Because they were outclassed in terms of weapons by the U.S, / Israel, alliance, then only did the Arabs resort to what is called terrorism. The Israeli response have always been with greater terrorism as is seen in Gaza.

13. I have asked an American what he would do if Texas was given to the Jews to create the state of Israel. He did not answer. But I believe he would fight to get back Texas, employing all the weapons at its disposal.

14. Yet had the United States been willing to create the nation of Israel in the lands under U.S. control or in the U.S. itself, there would be no terrorism in Palestine or in the Middle East. There would be no terrorism in America either because Israel would be wiped out by the U.S. forces. The world would remain peaceful.

15. The brutality committed by your forces in Gaza is out of all proportion to the puny rocket attacks by Hamas. That attack was the result of Israel and the U.S. failing to accept the results of a properly conducted election.

16. Hamas could only establish their Government in Gaza. But you blockaded Gaza, denying them food, medicine, power, fuel etc. If you had not done that I doubt that Hamas would fire rockets at you.

17. Malaysia is well aware that total boycott of Israel is not possible. We are in fact boycotting American products which is an even more impossible task. We would not be able to bring America or Israel down.

18. But what we aim to do is to demonstrate the disgust and the anger that we feel over the inhumanity of the brainy but primitive peoples of Israel and America.

19. You can collect Nobel prizes and other prizes but the world will look down upon you as very primitive people who robbed land through terror against perfidious British and subsequently used your control over the world's greatest military power to oppress the people whom you had robbed.

20. You have nothing to be proud of, unless of course you take pride in being heartless, in being primitive brutes.

21. The only mitigating factor is the presence among Israelis of a small number who are ashamed of what you have done to the people of Gaza.

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Monday, January 26, 2009


A poll taken from a newspaper..Mmg soklan cepumas...Kalau akak la kan, akak vote yg ada darah Arab and Khan. Dia org ni kalo bawak keter, mmg guna kepala lutut. Tak guna kepala otak....ganaih beb!!!!

Who do you think are the most dangerous drivers in the UAE?







All of the above

Nationality does not matter

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Real Snow in UAE..

Got to know that real snow does exist in UAE. Ni bukan yg dlm mall kat Dubai tuh. This is the original one, coming down from the sky.

Ras Al Khaimah is one of the UAE states. Snow fell heavily on the mountains of Ras Al Khaimah, on Friday nite. Tak sangka kan ....akak seniri pun tak pernah imagine, snow rupanya ada di Tanah Arab nih..

Heavy snowfall on Ras Al Khaimah's Jebel Jais mountain

By Nasouh Nazzal, Staff Reporter Published: January 24, 2009,

Ras Al Khaimah: Snow fell heavily on the mountains of Ras Al Khaimah on Friday night, leaving the Jebel Jais mountains covered in a thick white blanket of snow.

The extreme cold spell brought the temperature on top of the Jebel Jais mountain cluster, situated at a height of 5,700 feet, to as low as -3 degree Celsius on Friday night, as the snow blanketed an area extending over 5kms.

Major Saeed Rashid Al Yamahi, Manager of the Air Wing of RAK Police, who flew a helicopter to the top of the Jebel Jais mountain, said that the entire area was covered with 10
cm of snow.

Bab-el Bahrain..

Bab-el Bahrain is one of the busy places in Manama. Souk pun ada kat sini..macam Petaling Street...Tujuan akak gi sini ari tu coz melilau mencari post opis....Terkojut akak nengok pos opis tahun 80an...tak cam Post Opis di Malaysia which is more canggih..Bahrain still ketinggalan compared to what we have back then..

byk merpati and the birds' droppings berselerak on the road kat bab-el Bahrain ni..smelly ....

Al-shortah....the police..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This particular one....

Journalist returns home to find girl nearly dead

By Bilal Badwan, Special to Gulf NewsPublished: January 20, 2009, 22:58

For two days 15-year-old Amerah's wound bled without medical treatment. She fled her home and left the dead bodies of her father and two brothers.

She moved to an abandoned apartment. She only had a bucket of water, no blankets or first aid equipment for two days as she hid in the building.

It was the home of journalist Emad Eid that she had found. Emad moved his family to a different, safer area of Gaza City some days before.

When Emad returned, he found Amerah bleeding in his home where there was no food, water or bedding.

"How did you handle the sounds of the tanks when you were by yourself, bleeding, hiding alone for two days?" Emad asked the girl. He was afraid that she had neither the strength nor the courage to speak about what happened to her.

In fact, Amerah, now barely conscious had only five units of blood left in her when the medics came.

"Forgive me, I entered your house without your permission," Amerah managed to muster.

She was covered in blood and there were tear-stains on her cheeks. Emad didn't know how Amerah could find the words for an apology. While he was able to shield his own family from witnessing such devastation, he looked at Amerah and wished he could erase all the horrible memories from her mind.

"They killed my father and brothers in front of my eyes, they threw a bomb at me and my leg was injured. I ran away and found the door of your house open so I came in. I couldn't scream from my bleeding wounds because they would have heard me," she recounted.

Amerah's family believed her to be dead, killed along with her father and two brothers.
They buried pieces of what they assumed to be Amerah's remains.

When Amerah's mother found out she was alive, she rushed to the hospital. She held her daughter sobbing uncontrollably. For the miracle of Amerah's life, her family praised God.

Bilal Badwan is a journalist based in Gaza .

Try this!!

I don't dare to try it at first. Mmg nampak cam tak leh challenge jeruk org kita. But after being persuaded by Mr. Jalil, the shopowner tempat akak beli fruits and vege memurah here, I pun try ler.... mmg best. Crispy wei. Ada rasa pedas2 a bit. Iranian pickles namanya....tiny cucumbers soaked in with salt, vinegar, a chilli, garlic. But what I like most is the keranggupan nyer....very satisfying..try ler...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Laaa...dia mai

Aikkkk? Tak mo wat postmortem ka kantoi kat Ganu? Kelam kabut mai Bahrain...hi..hi...sajer nyakat!!!..hua..hua..hua.. tak bayekk akak kan..cian lak kat pak Lah ni. Malaysian Club ada la wat dinner ngan dia..akak gi? Idakkk.....melopong kat umah...

MANAMA: 18 Jan 2009..Prime Minister Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa was yesterday at the airport to welcome his Malaysian counterpart Abdulla Badawi who is on a two-day visit to Bahrain to promote bilateral co-operation. Mr Badawi will hold talks with His Majesty King Hamad, the Premier and senior officials on expanding ties in economic, commercial and investment fields. He will also visit Qatar and the UAE as part of his GCC tour.

The Malaysian Embassy will hold a business forum today at the Ritz-Carlton Bahrain Hotel and Spa from 2pm to 5.30pm.

The forum will be followed by an individual business meeting session with visiting Malaysian companies.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Kalau kempunan roti canai mamak, try ganti dgn roti paratha. Kat Bahrain ni, akak tak pernah lagi jumpa roti canai mamak cam kat Mesia..Anyway, sedap roti paratha nih. Beli ready made paratha and boh butter sikit on the pan.Then balik2 kan sampai garing....paling best cicah ngan kari ayam or daging or sambal tumis ikan bilis ker......makan panas2...Memangggggg bestttttt.....kalau malas tahap gaban nak buat the side menu, makan jer ngan susu pekat manis....not bad gak la. Tak sampai 5 min, siap sekeping .....easy marrrrrrrr...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Kopi bang...

Came across with this ad in Harakah online one glance thot of 'budak tingkat 4' ..anak pak mentua budak nogori tuh!!..geliga depa ni promo..tipah hampir2 tertipu

Ghupa2 nya iklan kopi 'mak jan'....hi..hi...kreatip..kreatip....kalo lawa macam yg dlm gambor ni, bukan saja akak tak bagi abg minum kat warung tu, mak akak pun sure kunci gate, tak bagi abah akak lepak kat kedai kopi lagi....hua..hua..hua..

tuuuu diaaaa....ayat power...mmg HEBAT kopi 'kak jan' nih!!..

Nak rasa kopi jander banggggg!!!! CUBA TRY sekali....try kopi ja encik oiii..jangan sesekali berani nak try YANG LAIN...over my dead body, youuuu!!!...

Car Plate..

Ni la ghuper Bahrain's car plate.....

Puluit lomak...

Lunch ari ni.. pulut lemak and rendang ayam ....boss suka daging ayam tu relai2, bior lama sikit ataih dapor..pulut akak kukus..rendam pulut 2 cups about 20 min, then kukus bagi separa empuk dulu, then baru boh santan pekat about 200 ml yg akak dah masakkan dulu ..put 1/2 teaspoon of salt dalam santan tuh..opps, jgn lupa boh daun pandan, bagi wangi pulut puan2 yek!!

Rendang lak, boh cili kering, bawang putih, bawang besar, kunyit hidup, cili hidup, coriander, sebuk jintan....blend suma....gaul ayam and bende yg diblend tadi, then campak dlm poyok....biar sebati dulu...after 10-15 min, baru boh serai yg diketuk, asam keping, daun limau purut, garam and santan..biar la dulu ataih dapor, pi mandi dulu ka, make up2 dulu ka...baru tutup api...

ntah apa2...

Entry ntah apa2.....maleh nak tulih sebenornye...but gatei nak tulih gak...

Actually, shopping complex ni la mall yg paling boring yg akak pernah gi....Namanye Gosi Complex...lubuk gadgets...sesaper nak jamu mata or gila hp, hah! kat sini la the correct place... Besides that ada lah satu university tercampak kat dlm shopping complex ni. Ahlia University. Kalau nak nengok anak2 dara Arab, melawa bulu mata lentik, jambul tinggi kuor sikit tercuit dari tudung , datang la waktu day time. Berlambak deme gi kelas kat tingkat 2 Gosi Complex ni. Gosi complex ni government owned. Yg akak boleh appreciate is just the design kat bawah ni jer la.

architectural thingy.. meh snap tepon..

Ahlia University..tingkat ataih ..

Sekian tima kaseh.............waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Sedap gak Encik Roald Dahl(deceased) ni punya short stories. Dia ni kan,a very prominet British novelist and author for children and adults books. Lots of his stories are famous for unexpected ending. Tu yg terangkat2 kaki bila baca tuh!! exaggerate siket...sajer2 la, taruh lebey2 ..buat penyedap ayat.

Seswai for those who love light reading...bukan baca lampu, bacaan ringan la...the language used pun simple2 jer, tak round the bush...akak kan paling suka citer ' The Hitch-Hiker"..tingat lak masa zaman belajor masa muda belia dulu....nostalgia wei..coz this story pernah di ajor and siap kuor peksa lagi.....hiksss...lama dah wei...


tengah kemaruk memblogging.....balik keje, ini ler santapan rujinye...adehhhhhhhh.........begitu tekunnn sekali..kalau buat buku, akak ingat dah siap and boleh juai kat kedai dah....haloooo bang!....jangan lelama sangat ngadap screen komputer tu, jap lagi sakit pinggang ler, belikat ler, fenin la...saper yg susah? Akak gak kan...kan...kan...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pineapple pie..

Dah tua2 gini, baru nak belajor....just try2...abg Mizan suka ghupernye...siap mintak buat lagi...ahak2..sedap la perahhhsannnnn cekali cekala..

Pattern 1....ghuper tak lawo....janji boleh makan yek..

pattern 2..huduhhh.. hiksss....pedulikkkk aper.......

amek ko!

Exhibition Road, Manama..

The net connection was down the whole day yesterday. Oh tidakkkkkkkkkkk..can't cope that long without the net..felt very handicapped gitew. Rasa very incomplete. Pepagi jer, mmg time- table akak wajib godek2 news , local and international...baru rasa puas. Then bloghopping ker or YMing , report duty with roommate or frens and families back in Malaysia..

Mati kutu wehh!! And I got a hunch that it would take longer this time for the net to appear. I decided to go out then. Amek angin kat luor. Hujan rintik2 but da very light2..macam memalu jer nak turun. Kat tanah Arab ni tak pernah akak experience hujan lebat mencurah2 cam kat tempat kita. Kalau ada cenggitu, mau pengsan Arab2 nih..and sure bah satu Bahrain coz longkang yellek here....

So, I jejalan la yesterday morning sorang2.....pusing2, snap2 gambor macam baguih!!..hiksss....sometimes you have to do a little crazy things to stay sane.....senang tau jalan sorang2 ni...ikut kepala seniri jer..nak lepak ka kedai buku 2-3 jam pun tak yah nak risau2 org nak kena tunggu berbagai...nice weather lak tu time nih ..sejuk berangin jer..

Actually tempat akak amek angin ni, namanye Exhibition Road. Just nearby my apt. jo, so it still within a walking distance for me to reach there. Lama gak akak tak exercise cenggini. Dak kematu kaki nih!.But telling you, this road is actually mmg nocturnal and notorious habeh!! Tempat Saudi nak yamseng...famous gak, for the not so nice things...maleh nak elaborate.

Tell you, this place is also included in one of the venues under GAng 14 bomb plot....amek ko! but tak jadi kena bomb lak, dek non. Gang 14 kena tangkap before they managed to execute their plan...(Gang 14 nih geng yg plan nak bomb area Manama and tempat2 org Yamseng)..but I am a little bit skeptical with their ada conspiracy jer....

ader roundabout kecit kat exhi. road nih..

ni area belakang exhi.road..tak pernh masuk sampai ujung...just masuk sebelah Baskin Robbin , tempat da men in da house potong ramut...this place is lubuk kaum Khans and Maniams.

ada lagi roundabout..kat Bahrain ni byk roundabouts, uols..

pun ader...kedai massage Siam berlambak2....gila seh!..dia org dapat special visa rules, tak taw pasai apa....but u know la, depa ni mmg pames pasai 'bisnes' depa tuh!..kena laknat dgn Allah baru tau...rimas gak tengok dia org bila reramai...da very suspicious...

book shop..akak singgah semalam and spent time

pun ader kat Exhibition Road ni..

english spelling for Bapak John...

In Arabic..

selamber badak jo, akak amek gambor Mamat2 Arab ni dok pekena shisha...mintak ijin dulu sebenornye, takut kena jerkah! sejuk2 time cenggini mmg cun pekena shisha ngan teh paneh2 gamaknye...