Monday, January 12, 2009

Exhibition Road, Manama..

The net connection was down the whole day yesterday. Oh tidakkkkkkkkkkk..can't cope that long without the net..felt very handicapped gitew. Rasa very incomplete. Pepagi jer, mmg time- table akak wajib godek2 news , local and international...baru rasa puas. Then bloghopping ker or YMing , report duty with roommate or frens and families back in Malaysia..

Mati kutu wehh!! And I got a hunch that it would take longer this time for the net to appear. I decided to go out then. Amek angin kat luor. Hujan rintik2 but da very light2..macam memalu jer nak turun. Kat tanah Arab ni tak pernah akak experience hujan lebat mencurah2 cam kat tempat kita. Kalau ada cenggitu, mau pengsan Arab2 nih..and sure bah satu Bahrain coz longkang yellek here....

So, I jejalan la yesterday morning sorang2.....pusing2, snap2 gambor macam baguih!!..hiksss....sometimes you have to do a little crazy things to stay sane.....senang tau jalan sorang2 ni...ikut kepala seniri jer..nak lepak ka kedai buku 2-3 jam pun tak yah nak risau2 org nak kena tunggu berbagai...nice weather lak tu time nih ..sejuk berangin jer..

Actually tempat akak amek angin ni, namanye Exhibition Road. Just nearby my apt. jo, so it still within a walking distance for me to reach there. Lama gak akak tak exercise cenggini. Dak kematu kaki nih!.But telling you, this road is actually mmg nocturnal and notorious habeh!! Tempat Saudi nak yamseng...famous gak, for the not so nice things...maleh nak elaborate.

Tell you, this place is also included in one of the venues under GAng 14 bomb plot....amek ko! but tak jadi kena bomb lak, dek non. Gang 14 kena tangkap before they managed to execute their plan...(Gang 14 nih geng yg plan nak bomb area Manama and tempat2 org Yamseng)..but I am a little bit skeptical with their ada conspiracy jer....

ader roundabout kecit kat exhi. road nih..

ni area belakang exhi.road..tak pernh masuk sampai ujung...just masuk sebelah Baskin Robbin , tempat da men in da house potong ramut...this place is lubuk kaum Khans and Maniams.

ada lagi roundabout..kat Bahrain ni byk roundabouts, uols..

pun ader...kedai massage Siam berlambak2....gila seh!..dia org dapat special visa rules, tak taw pasai apa....but u know la, depa ni mmg pames pasai 'bisnes' depa tuh!..kena laknat dgn Allah baru tau...rimas gak tengok dia org bila reramai...da very suspicious...

book shop..akak singgah semalam and spent time

pun ader kat Exhibition Road ni..

english spelling for Bapak John...

In Arabic..

selamber badak jo, akak amek gambor Mamat2 Arab ni dok pekena shisha...mintak ijin dulu sebenornye, takut kena jerkah! sejuk2 time cenggini mmg cun pekena shisha ngan teh paneh2 gamaknye...

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