Friday, January 9, 2009


9.1.2009......What is the significance of this date? Besday Naim marrrrr....He celebrates his 9th birthday today. Suka dia... pagi tadi after completing the Quran reading lesson with Ustaz Hadi, akak longgok kek, sandwich and mushroom soup ataih meja. The boys in da house just had 45 minutes to feast themselves before the Friday prayer...actually merangkap breakfast ni coz pagi tadi tak sempat nak had breakfast..Ustaz mai awai ari ni....actually I am not the type yg celebrate besday,..but for anak2 ku serahkan jiwa dan raga!! hua..hua..tho da very simple one...Hepi besday, dek!....

kedai mari....

garlic bread

mushroom soup

smoked turkey sandwich..
just nak share..kalo wat sandwich, jgn la potong kulit roti tu dek non..coz ,part tu ler yg paling fibrous!..bior ghuper tak cantik but byk khasiat...

cutting..cutting..emsem gak ko, dek!..



  1. Happy Birthday Naim!!!!

  2. Tima kaseh kak umi...Kak Umi sihat? Nanti K.Nana bagi tau Naim yek...ok..take care.
